General IT Services

Data Backup Services

Data backup is one of those IT tasks that no one really likes to think about.  Most days, it seems to be pointless. However, as we all know, if there is ever a time where you need to refer to that backup–it becomes the most valuable entity on your mind.  If you currently do not have a data backup solution in place for your company data, now is the time to make that happen. 

Source One Solutions’ StorageFORCE is a backup solution that offers both on-site daily data backup servers and off-site data replication services all packaged in one powerful solution.  StorageFORCE allows Clients to have the ability of backing up critical data at their location securely.  In addition, StorageFORCE provides the capability to send a copy of that data off-site to the Source One Solutions Data Center Operations located in Fort Wayne, IN.  Having the off-site data allows for much quicker access to information as compared to other off-site storage options that house data in data centers all over the world.  In the event of a catastrophic loss such as a fire or flood at the client’s location, off-site data is just up the street and quickly accessible.

One concern many people have is whether or not their data is secure.  Your data is doubly secure via the StorageFORCE solution.  Not only is data stored in a physically secure data center locally, supported by a battery backup, generator backup, locked and security system protected building, your data is encrypted. 

Hardware fails.  Humans fail.  80% of businesses who experience large-scale data loss CLOSE within 18-months of the disaster.  Please…even if it’s not through us…insure your data with a data backup solution to solidify your disaster recovery plan!

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