Data Security


Next to your people, your company’s data is your most valuable asset.  Did you know that, according to industry statistics, 80 percent of businesses that experience a loss of corporate data are forced to shut down within 18 months of the incident?  In the world of IT, we’re well aware of this constant threat and its ramifications.  Protecting organizations’ networks from data loss and both internal and external threats is a staple of what we do for our clients.  While there is no silver-bullet that eliminates all threats, many provisions can be taken to significantly reduce the risk of a security incident.  People should also be aware that not all data loss incidents have to do with security breaches.  There are many cases where data can be lost due to malpractice or employee error.  All it takes is for a one of several common slip-ups to occur and without a proper backup system in place, your data is lost.  Even if you do not choose Source One Solutions as your IT provider, please remember to implement a comprehensive data security solution for your business with another qualified IT provider.  Here is a list of our most common data security services.


  • Storage Force (Source One Solutions’ own proprietary back-up solution)
  • Firewalls/Cisco ISA security devices
  • Redundant internet solutions
  • Wireless office solutions

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